Kathryn Landis
Tuning Forks/Sound Healing
Om Tuning Fork 136.1 Hz
This frequency is excellent for grounding or when you feel low in energy, disconnected or unable to focus; helps to release stress and strain in the heart; aids in relaxing the body and releasing overall stress.
Tuning Fork 528 Hz
This frequency is known for allowing transformation and DNA repair; helps open the heart, intensifies healing and promotes inner peace.
Sound healing can also involve the use of my voice and/or rattles.
Fee: $70/hour
Thank You!
Thought Form Removal
When a person experiences obsessive thinking, it creates circular patterns of energy that become stuck in the mental layer of the aura. Consequently, a person does not perceive choice and does not see a way out of their situation. When these patterns are removed, a person can begin to create the perception of choice and is therefore empowered. This work is done strictly with the energy field, no hands-on. In this healing, you can either be lying on the massage table, sitting in a chair, or standing.
Fee: $70/hour
Thank You!
Chakra Balancing
Your current health can be a reflection of the balance or imbalance of your chakras. These energetic vortexes pull in the universal life force energy and distribute it accordingly throughout the body. Each chakra corresponds to certain organs in the body and has a psychological, physical, and spiritual function. It is most advantageous to couple this healing with your traditional medical treatment and when you are receiving counseling, as it will enhance the healing process. Be sure to dress comfortably as you will be resting on your back on a massage table.
Fee: $70/hour
Thank You!
Rising Star Healing System
This powerful, sacred, and ancient healing modality was channeled to Derek O'Neill, a spiritual master in Dublin, Ireland. This healing system has been blessed by His Holiness Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This healing releases all negative energies from the seven chakras and the seven body systems, heals on all levels, and opens you to your true self. Wearing comfortable clothing is advised for this healing as you will be resting on your back on a massage table.
Fee: $100/hour
Thank You!
The Reconnection(tm), The Personal Reconnection (tm)
These healings involve healing frequencies that come in from a higher dimension and flow through a meridian system we have that is known as the axiatonal system. These higher frequencies remind our body how to vibrate at the level of Light, thus allowing the body to go into a state of balance where miraculous healings can occur.
For a Reconnective Healing (tm) or Personal Reconnection(tm) be sure to wear comfortable clothing. For either of these healings you will be lying on your back on a massage table.
Fee: The Reconnection, $100/hour
Thank You!
Fee: The Personal Reconnection, $333 total for two 1-hour sessions
Thank You!
Disclaimer: Kathryn Landis is not acting as a mental health professional during a healing. Kathryn Landis is not a medical practitioner and makes no claims, promises, or guarantees, and is neither diagnosing nor treating specific health issues or challenges. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.